Internal audio VS External audio. (internal problems) #iATKOS

Hello. I've recently installed osx 10.6.2 and I install it with the voodooHDA option and the sound seems to work fine until I install my xfx radeon hd 4850 kexts. I don't understand why it stops working after that but no audio device is recognized but voodoo seems to be installed. even tried several different versions.

If someone could help me with the process of identifying the problem and correcting it by installing the right things I'd appreciate it a lot.

but a friend had this very same problem and he just used an external usb audio card much like this one Mini 3D USB 2 0 External Sound Card 7 1 Audio Adapter | eBay

Would that easily fix my problem? it says it's driverless for OSX too (some dont specify)

I would prefer fixing my audio device though because I'd have to wait for the usb audio thing to arrive at my home and I really want to get my osx working right away.

my mobo model is asrock N68C-S UCC ASRock > N68C-S UCC

Doesnt specify much about the audio just says "5.1 CH HD Audio (VIA® VT1705 Audio Codec)"
