"Hide Partition" option in Chameleob is not working for me #Hackintosh

Hi folks,

Here is my device list:

Posted Image

diskutil list output (the screenshot above is slightly outdated cause I renamed "Windows NTFS" to "WindowsNEW" but this is not the point):

Posted Image

in the /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist I put the following lines:

<key>Hide Partition</key>
<string>hd(1,1) hd(1,2) hd(2,3) hd(2,2)</string>

However chameleon is still showing me all the partitions. I've tried to mess up with this parameters by specifying volume names and specifying only one disk/partition. The only partition that I was able to hide was hd(2,3)

Please point me what I am doing wrong...
