mac snow leopard on amd?? refusing to work. #iATKOS

i got a guide and all the stuff needed, worked on a guide on the net off my tablet.

i used a burned copy of snow leopard 10.6 but after 4 attempts on 2 different installs, they all say the same. they go after post and go to load the install and then get stuck on the nforce (waiting for root)

im currently using windows 8 on the pc i would like to hackintosh, i dont mind losing 8 for 10.6 snow.

i use the asrock n68-vs3 motherboard with a amd athlon mark 2 quad core 3.00 ghz processor with 8gb ram and an ati radeon 7860 gfx card. i use a 1tb hdd (sata and also use 2 200gb sats hdds on top of that.) samsung ata dvd= - rw drive used to run the installer

i have no idea what im doing wrong. i just want to see how osx uns on it if possible....

