Apple has started airing their annual holiday TV commercial for this season, now running on most popular TV networks, the video has also been embedded below for easy viewing. This years focus is on the iPhone and it’s ability to make and edit a movie on the go, which can then be shared with others using the wireless AirPlay service.
The advertisement, titled “Misunderstood”, follows a story theme, told indirectly through a teenage boy who looks glued to his iPhone and generally disinterested in family holiday festivities going on around him. A variety of seasonal activities are going on ranging from Christmas greetings to snowman building, tree decorating, sledding, and walks in the snow, while “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” is playing in the background. About halfway through the commercial, the assumed to be bored teenager takes center stage to share with the family what he’s been actually doing – not staring into another world on his phone, but instead crafting a touching family holiday movie, made entirely on his iPhone. The ad ends with “Happy Holidays” and the Apple logo.
Apple has run holiday-themed commercials for several years in a row now, last year the focus was on using the iPad with FaceTime, the 2011 spot was my personal favorite, Santa using Siri, while 2010 featured Santa using FaceTime. Despite those older videos being posted to Apple’s official YouTube channel, they currently show as “private” and are no longer viewable.